
Friday, April 9, 2010

It's been awhile

This blog has been here for awhile. I started it last year when several of my friends decided to take this class. They eventually sucked me into the blogosphere where I decided to follow the class as well as I could. I may have failed dismally. I may have succeeded wonderfully. Either way, I am back, and it has been awhile.

My name is Sam S**#$^@% and at this point I'm in College Literature. This is the third class (second elective) that I've taken with Mr. Kunkle, and I expect that I will enjoy it just as much if not more.

Something that people should know about me is that I like things. There are very few things that I dislike including bad music, bad movies, and people who live wantonly. Oh, and my Creative Writing class. I enjoy good music, good movies, and people in general. This also pertains to my views on literature. There are stories that I like. There are stories that I feel so-so about. There are even some stories that I love; but outside of my Creative Writing class, there are very few stories that I dislike. I'm pretty flexible as a reader. I'm not bothered by weird styles or choices of format or plot.

Now I guess I should mention my... shudder... favorite book. I can't say this without feeling as if I were leaving all the other books I like to sleep in the basement. But if I were at gun point at this moment, I would most likely say that Winnie the Pooh, and the series in general, is my favorite book. The word play and nonsensical manner that A. A. Milne employs is absolutely marvelous and tickles my brain when I read it. For some reason the blog isn't letting me copy and paste a passage but if you happen to have time, I recommend looking up some Winnie the Pooh quotes. They're always a good time and second only to reading the book itself.


FTP said...

How dare you sully my good name with your slanderous filth in which you call "Good blogging" The shallow and pedantic ways you seek are far passed anything you possess the capability of performing in front of a public audience in which they shall boo your name into the ground.


Karali Fedor said...

Well, I have actually never read any Winne the Pooh books. I know, sad day. But I have watched one of the movies and it was amazing :) So my compliments on your choice.

Kevin Dobo said...

Hm, I don't understand why you censored your last name.


Anyway, unlike Karali, I have read the Winnie books. In fact, I just got to read the Tao of Pooh for Philosophy las quarter. It made me enjoy reminiscing about back when I would watch the cartoon.