
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catcher in the Rye

First, I must apologize. You see, I'm a busy boy. I have gotten home around 9:45 these past two days on account of Track and Drama. While this is a lame excuse it's all I have to explain why I haven't gotten my readings done in a timely manner.

I've heard about Catcher in the Rye quite a bit before this. It has usually been attached with phrases like "American literary staple", "must read", or "poignant piece of writing". To tell the truth, I would have most likely read it myself if I had not taken this class; however, I am glad that I will be able to share this reading experience with you people. It should be generally a good time.

So what I've gotten from the first 26 pages in this book is that Holden is a slacker, capital S. I suppose he would be a Slacker then. While it sounds like the kid isn't all that dumb, he just doesn't seem to see a point in school. The only class he wasn't failing was the class that he had already done the curriculum for at another school.

Oh crap. Class just ended. I'll finish this up later. Thanks dudes.

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